Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Oil Bath on Naraka Chaturdasi

The tradition of taking oil bath on naraka chaturdasi is meant for physical cleansing of the body and spiritual cleansing of the mind with new hope. The oil bath thus symbolises the removal of all the dirt, evil and inauspicious things before the arrival of Goddess Lakshmi on the next day.

The elder most female member in the family dips a flower bud in the oil and drops into the left palm of each person.

Men applies the oil on the hair chanting the mantra,
Ashwthamo, Balir, Vyaso, Hanumanshcha, Vibhishanaha,
Krupaha Parashuramashcha,Saptaite Chirangivinaha.

Women chant the mantra,
Ahalya, Draupati, Sitaa, Tara, Mandodari Tata,
Panchakanyaha Smarennithyam Mahapataka Nashanam
It is said that people who perform the oil bath on Naraka Chaturdasi will be blessed with prosperity, progeny and wealth.

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